STAI Stella Boschi Laguna

S.A. Madonna della Neve

This farm located in Precenicco and founded in 2012 counts about 120 hectares and borders the Stella river, just a step away from the itineraries of Stella, Boschi, Laguna. The production of the farm Madonna della Neve is entirely organic and includes about 50 hectares of Prosecco Doc and Pinot Grigio Doc vineyards; while the rest of the vines are kept organic. Madonna della Neve has therefore been certified Organic since 2015.

Pinot Grigio Doc

The Pinot Grigio Doc grapes come from a vine native to Burgundy, introduced in Italy in the 19th century. It derives from the mutation of Pinot Noir, which occurred at the beginning of the 1960s. In Friuli Venezia Giulia this vine finds its ideal habitat and is certainly the most established Friulian grape in the world for wine production.
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Prosecco Doc

Thanks to the temperate climate and sufficient rainfall especially during the summer months, this area of ​​Friuli Venezia Giulia is perfectly suitable for the Prosecco Doc vine. At the end of summer, with the decrease in hours of sunshine and the prevalence of dry Bora winds from the east, high temperature variations occur between day and night, allowing the grapes to develop their aromas in their final phase of ripening. The soil, rich in minerals and microelements, is mainly of alluvial origin and it therefore guarantees a good land drainage favoring the Prosecco production. These are just some of the factors that make Madonna della Neve and its production unique.

The pleasure of stopping by

Via Titiano s.n.
33050 Precenicco (UD)

Not currently open to the public.

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Foci dello Stella Nature Reserve

One of the most characteristic environments of the regional lagoon area is the Foci dello Stella Regional Nature Reserve: an area of considerable naturalistic value. This protected area covers 1377 hectares, including the mouth of the river Stella and some typical lagoon areas presenting considerable variations in salinity and temperature, along with canals, mudflats and sandbanks.

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