STAI Stella Boschi Laguna


From tradition in the vineyard to innovation in the cellar.
Cabert wines are born from the love for the land of the De Eccher farm and a long oenological tradition integrated with cutting-edge technological innovation. The excellent wines produced by Cabert are the result of extreme attention to detail at all stages of production and a deep respect for the land, the vines and their peculiar characteristics. We are talking about wines that are the result of passion, commitment and love.

Cabert: an ancient history

Surrounded by large expanses of vineyards, Cabert’s headquarters are located in Bertiolo. Founded in 1960, Cantina di Bertiolo processes the grapes of 60 winemakers who are at the same time the shareholders of Cabert: men with centuries of passion in their DNA, sincere attention to the vine and a cultural heritage handed down from father to son for generations. The skills acquired in the vineyard and in the cellar blend with technological progress and new production processes in pursuit of increasingly high and ambitious quality standards.

Cabert wines

Cabert wines are the result of passion, commitment and love that the De Eccher farm dedicates to all wine lovers, and not only. Incomparably light and drinkable, these wines leave the mouth brimming with taste, ready to welcome a new sip. The taste of the Cabert wines silently enriches the moment without being overwhelming: the perfect protagonists of your day in Bertiolo.

From tradition and innovation to the dining table: a story rich in flavor

Experimenting, innovating and renewing are Cabert’s ways to enhance the value of their products. For this reason, all Cabert wines tell stories that, through the recovery of tradition and the company history, aim to enhance their expression, as they are obtained from grapes belonging to different areas of Friuli Venezia Giulia, from different kinds of soils and therefore incarnate unique aspects.

The pleasure of stopping by

Punti vendita
Via Madonna 27,
33032, Bertiolo (UD)

Via Volturno 31,
33100, Udine (UD)
(ingresso anche da Viale Duodo, 6)

Discover the area of

Bertiolo. An itinerary among giant trees and history.

Bertiolo includes the fractions of Pozzecco, Sterpo and Virco.
Different cycling activities are available in the area and there are several farms in the village, with a strong preponderance of viticulture, a true expression of the area’s character. Among vineyards and ancient trees, the trail in Bertiolo offers unique landscapes.

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