STAI Stella Boschi Laguna

Bertagnin Virginia Farm

High quality products with an unmistakable genuine taste.
Virginia Ranch is a project born from the Bertagnin Virginia farm, first during the early 90s in Veneto and later in Friuli Venezia Giulia. The company breeds horses, cultivates barley for the production of high quality craft beer and offers farmhouse accommodations. In addition to carrying out the rural, breeding and equestrian activities, the company is also an Educational and Social Farm.

From activities related to the rural, breeding and equestrian world to the Educational and Social Farm: this company does everything in the most genuine way.

The company breeds American Quarter Horses, Paint and Appaloosa horses but also Knabstrupper horses: the oldest spotted horse breed in Europe, better known by children as “the horse of Pippi Longstocking”. All these breeds boast a very intelligent character and are quick to learn. The Ranch breeds very docile horses of excellent nature; for this reason, services reserved to children have been developed over the years in an educational and social farm. Fodder to feed the animals is grown in the fields of the Virginia Ranch, along with a small cultivation of vegetables, medicinal herbs, fruits and barley for the production of craft beer.

From craft beer production to agriturismo farm stay

The company cultivates barley for the production of light amber beer with a moderate white fine and persistent ivory foam; when smelling it, you can immediately perceive the American hop producing the scents of citrus and tropical fruits, which give the beer fresh and pleasant notes. The alcohol note is very suave and felt towards the finish. The malts, with their hint of graininess, are not perceived on the nose as they are overwhelmed by the vastness of aromas produced by these hops. The agriturismo lodges are located in a perfect place for families who love to travel and want to enjoy a serene and familiar environment; an ideal stay for those who are looking for a peaceful and quiet time in nature and in close contact with animals, far away from the chaotic and noisy city life. Those who want to feel new emotions and discover a new way of experiencing the contact with horses, also thanks to the services designed for children in the educational farm, will love staying at Virginia Ranch.

The pleasure of stopping by

via Canedo 2
33050, Precenicco (UD)

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