STAI Stella Boschi Laguna

La regina del bosco

High quality products in an enchanting location.
This ancient manor house of medieval origin wrapped in a mysterious legend is surrounded by woods and an ancient vineyard dating back to the late nineteenth century. Breakfast is served in a large room with an ancient hearth, while there is a tasting room and a cozy living room with armchairs where you can relax while reading a book or having a nice conversation. Horse-drawn carriage rides to fascinating natural places, boat trips on the Stella river along Villa Badoglio, Villa Otello and the regional aquarium and night trips to discover deer, herons and wildlife are organized.

From an ancient home to a cozy agriturismo.

This ancient manor house of medieval origin wrapped in a mysterious legend, is surrounded by woods and an ancient vineyard dating back to the late nineteenth century. La Regina del Bosco is located in the heart of the Stella Park, in the Friulian freshwater springs area; a context of great historical and naturalistic importance. The main activity of the company is breeding trotting and Norica horses, along with offering activities in the educational farm. On the outside walls of the property you can see ancient Roman remains and on the eastern façade the coat of arms of the Serenissima; while inside the farmhouse you are surrounded by warm walls in stones, pebbles and bricks. You can spend the night in the old and comfortable rooms of the manor house, provided with bathroom, internet, TV and air conditioning. In 2015, La Regina del Bosco obtained “five daisies” from the Regional Agency for Rural Development of Friuli Venezia-Giulia (ERSA) for the evaluation of agritourism hospitality.

A perfect location for any event and a starting point for discovering new places.

Breakfast is served in a large room with an ancient hearth, while there is a tasting room and a cozy living room with armchairs where you can relax while reading a book or having a nice conversation. At lunch and dinner you can savor native food dishes. Horse-drawn carriage rides to fascinating natural places, boat trips on the Stella river along Villa Badoglio, Villa Otello, the regional aquarium and night trips to discover deer, herons and wildlife are organized.

The pleasure of stopping by

Via Francesco Petrarca 15
33050, Rivignano Teor (UD)

Discover the area of

Rivignano Teor. An itinerary between history and water.

Rivignano Teor is located near one of the most significant forest areas of the Stella river, whose nature reserve constitutes an exceptional microcosm and a true paradise for birdwatching. In addition, Rivignano Teor is home to some of the most beautiful buildings in the Fiuli Venezia Giulia Region.

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