STAI Stella Boschi Laguna

Marano Lagunare

Marano Lagunare

An itinerary between history, lagoons and stars.
Marano Lagunare is a historic fishing village that has been a territory of the Republic of Venice for almost 400 years. Its history is visible in every aspect of the town: from the architecture, to the traditions, the dialect and the cuisine. Marano is also the starting point for discovering the lagoon: an area of ​​extraordinary scenic beauty that is home to unique fauna and flora of great naturalistic value.

Fiume Stella

Stella River

The unique and uncontaminated nature, swampy areas rich in marshes of extraordinary beauty, and the beautiful parks of the Castle of Flambruzzo and Villa Ottelio Savorgnan in Ariis, touched by its waters, make the Stella a river full of charm. Once an important artery for transport and connection between the High and Middle Friulian plains and the sea, but also essential for war strategies, today the Stella is one of the most fascinating rivers in the Friuli Venezia Giulia region.

torre millenaria

Loggia Maranese

Among the most important historical buildings of Marano, dating back to the dominion of the Serenissima, we find the Loggia Maranese: a closed loggia with Istrian stone rustic work, where the community used to meet. The loggia is annexed to the Torre Millenaria, which was originally supposed to be a watchtower. The village was in fact originally surrounded by walls, which were definitively demolished in the nineteenth century

Museo archeologico della laguna

Archaeological Museum of the Lagoon

The Archaeological Museum of the Lagoon in the Civic Centre building displays the important archaeological heritage of the Lagoon, providing very interesting historical insights. This precious museum preserves over five hundred artefacts found in various locations of the lagoons of Marano and Grado and on the coastal strip at the back.

Acquario di Marano

Marano Aquarium

The Marano Aquarium was inaugurated in 2006 and is located within the Canal Novo Valley Nature Reserve: an important center for the observation, enjoyment and understanding of the lagoon environment. Alongside the various observatories and paths, in recent years a space has been created for visitors to have a look at the lagoon environment even ‘under the water surface’: the Lagoon Aquarium. Only the organisms present in the local environment are housed inside the aquarium: both the typical organisms which complete their entire life cycle in this area, and those present only in certain local areas or in certain times of the year.

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Casoni di Marano

Casone Maranese

The Casone Maranese is a type of hut with a roof made of reeds, which grow abundantly in the Marano lagoon. This type of building that housed hunters and fishermen is typical of Friuli Venezia Giulia and Veneto, but it is in Marano that the Casoni have been most faithfully preserved within the lagoon reserve.

Riserva foci dello stella

Foci dello Stella Regional Nature Reserve

In the Marano lagoon you will find the Foci dello Stella Regional Nature Reserve. The Reserve is reachable exclusively by water through the delta of the Stella river which can be navigated by boat up to Precenicco and Palazzolo. When you enter the mouth of the Stella a spectacle of rare beauty opens up before your eyes: a village of fishermen with its ‘Casoni’ houses. Made of cane and wood, the Casoni had a hearth in the center and were furnished only with what was necessary for survival. You will notice that all the huts face west: the side less exposed to the bora and tramontana winds. These typical houses are now provided with a wooden pier which allows docking.
Furthermore, inside the reserve you will find the Bilancia Di Bepi, which is still operational to this day; we are talking about a traditional fishing scale, which constitutes an unmissable stop to experience the authentic art of fishing, taste a “frittolin” (local fried, freshly-caught fish), or take an excursion by canoe, SUP, bike or on horse back.

La Riserva Valle Canal Novo

Canal Novo Valley Nature Reserve

The Valle Canal Novo Nature Reserve is right next to the Old Town, and is equipped with easily accessible walkways and observatories to discover the flora and fauna of the lagoon. Furthermore, here it is possible to see a few Casoni (old fishermen and hunters houses) which have been turned into functional buildings for the visitor center.

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