
An itinerary among giant trees and history.
Bertiolo includes the fractions of Pozzecco, Sterpo and Virco. There are numerous cycling activities and farms in the village, with a strong preponderance of viticulture: a true expression of the area’s character. Among vineyards and ancient trees, the trail in Bertiolo offers unique landscapes.

History and peculiarities

In the oldest preserved documents there are several variations of the place name: Bratiul, Bratiol, Bretiul and today’s Bertiolo. The earliest historical records date back to the time of Caesar: it is believed that in the large grasslands crossed by the Stradalta, the ancient Via Postumia that connected Rome with Illyricum, there existed permanent camps of the Roman legions; evidence of this is provided by the several traces of Romanitas found during agricultural excavation works. Bertiolo is connected to the near villages through the Roman Via Postumia, which during the Hungarian invasions was also called ‘strata hungarorum’ because of the frequent invasions that occurred between the late 9th and mid-10th centuries. During this time, because of the devastation, the rudimentary country’s defensive systems were developed in the form of curtains. Two curtains were built in Bertiolo: an inner one enclosed by a wall surrounding the church and the cemetery, and an outer one consisting of a moat surrounding the town.

La Farnia di Sterpo – Sterpo’s oak tree

Among the largest and oldest oaks in Italy, the pedunculate oak (in Italian ‘Farnia’) of Villa Colloredo Venier in Sterpo is a truly remarkable tree. It appears to have been existing in this park touched by the Stella River since 1509, when in place of the present villa stood a fortress erected by Martino della Torre.
Very little remains of the ancient building: only two towers, one of which is incorporated into the Renaissance church of San Girolamo.
The ancient tree has a trunk circumference of nearly 8 meters, an asymmetric crown that expands with an average width of 32 meters, and an age estimated approximately between 500 and 600 years. Its special beauty is also emphasized by a low branch horizontal to the ground which, because of its considerable length and arched conformation, is supported by a column.
The leaning and chunky tree trunk has a wide cavity with an opening just starting at the collar. Its crown has been pruned many times throughout the years, including branches of large dimensions. In order to maintain the stability and improvement of the discrete phytosanitary conditions of this magnificent pedunculate oak tree, prompt rehabilitating, lightening and consolidating interventions are beneficial.

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Santuario della Beata Vergine di Screncis – sanctuary

All the inhabitants of the neighboring towns have contributed to the building of this Sanctuary, which is why every year, from September 8th to 15th, all the parishes of Codroipo are hosted in this Sanctuary. A capital was raised first, and later followed a small chapel, then enlarged in 1770.

Chiesa di San Gerolamo di Sterpo – church

The church of San Gerolamo di Sterpo has more than half a millennium of history. It was consecrated on September 30th of an unspecified year between 1480 and 1489. The church is located in the park of Villa Venier. Over the centuries the building has undergone multiple vicissitudes related to the lords who owned it; currently the villa, after numerous restorations, can be visited.

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